The Sycamores as Hillside Convent College - 1917
Below are photographs of The Sycamores when it was known as Hillside convent between 1915 and 1927. These marvellous photographs are from the
archive at Farnborough Hill. I would
like to thank Farnborough Hill School for access to their archives for these pictures. Where I have managed to track down originals I have done so. If not, then I have had to rely on

The western side of the early house - 1917

The garden on the western side of the house - 1917

The southern aspect of the early house looking north - 1917

The eastern (front) aspect of the house - 1917

The eastern (front) aspect of the house - 1917

The eastern (front) aspect of the house - 1917
(The text clearly indicates that this wing of the house was added by the nuns in 1916)

The back of the house looking north.
(The architecture differences between the original house and the
additions by the nuns can be clearly seen)
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